SEED 2024 Home

SEED 2024

May 16-17, 2024

 Orlando, Florida




Detailed instructions

  1. Please use the template 2-column IEEE Proceedings style, conference version, conference version, ensuring the following:

    a. The submission should be in PDF format viewable by Adobe Reader.

    b. Paper type (tool, benchmark, regular) is not to be included.

    c. Paper size: US Letter - 8.5 x 11.0 inches. The A4 size may NOT be used. Be sure to check the final size of the PDF from within Adobe Reader (for example) by looking at the info in: "File>Properties>Description".

    d. Margins: top - 0.75", bottom - 1.00", both sides - 5/8" (0.625")

    e. Font sizes: no smaller than 9pt for body text.

    f. Line spacing for body text: single-spaced.

    g. The submission must be formatted for black-and-white printers. Please make sure your figures are readable when printed in black-and-white.

    h. Do NOT number the pages. The submission should not contain headers or footers of any type.

  2. The length of the paper is limited to 12 pages for regular papers and 2 pages for WEI papers. All the content of the paper is counted within the page limit, including figures, tables, appendices, and references.

  3. If you are uncertain whether your submission meets SEED submission guidelines, contact the program co-chairs: Nael Abu-Ghazaleh ( and G. Gary Tan (