SEED 2024

May 16-17, 2024

 Orlando, Florida


Important Dates:

Registration Fees:

Early Registration: $700 USD
Late Registration: $850 USD

Registration Site:

The registration is a two-step process: ① Register here. In the payment form, enter either "SEED 2024 Registration Paper ID your-paper#" (if you are registering a paper) or "SEED 2024 Registration" (for other attendees) in the "UCF Research Foundation, Inc. Invoice # 1 / Description" field. For late registrations, please additionally add "Late" at the end of this field. ② After finishing the registration form, please complete the Participant Survey.

Paper Registration Requirement:

Each paper must have at least one registered author. Authors presenting the paper must complete their registration by the camera-ready submission deadline (April 15, 2024). All author registrations must include their paper ID during the registration process.

Visa Invitation Letter:

If you require a letter of invitation from SEED 2024 for visa application purposes, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete your registration using the instructions above.
  2. Send an email to requesting a letter of invitation. Include your full name as it appears in your travel document, whether you are an author or just attending, the paper title and full list of authors if applicable, and a printout of the registration confirmation page or your registration number.


If you have any additional questions, please send emails to our registration chair Dr. Sazadur Rahman (